Exercises to Help Heal a Broken Femur Bone
Knee-Rehabilitation Exercises
Get back to full strength as soon as possible with the proper rehabilitation exercises.
Unloading the knee is one exercise that can be done. Place a weight from 5 to 10 pounds on your ankle and sit in a chair with your leg dangling. Hold for 5 to 15 minutes and repeat one to thee times per day.
Try the knee extension by sitting in a chair, and rest your foot an another chair across from you with your knee raised. Push your raised knee towards the floor only using your legs. Count to 10 and rest and complete 10 repetitions. Repeat up to three times per day.
Complete the alternative knee-extension exercise by sitting on a flat surface with legs out straight, and set a rolled-up towel under your Achilles tendon. Slowly push the raised knee toward the floor and count to 10. Rest briefly and repeat 10 times. Complete up to three sets per day.
Strength-Building Exercises
Sit with back flat in a chair, place affected leg out straight in front of you, and hold position for 10 seconds. Complete 5 to 10 repetitions up to three sets per day.
Stand against the wall and bend your knees 30 degrees, while you are slowly sliding your back down the wall. Stand up straight and repeat 5 to 10 times, and complete up to three repetitions per day.
If you cannot complete the wall exercise, use a piece of rubber exercise tubing. Sit straight in a chair, and bend knees at a 30-degree angle. Wind the tubing around the base of your foot, while holding on to the ends. Straighten your knee to resist the pull of the tubing, pushing hard, but do not hurt yourself. Hold for 10 seconds and complete 5 to 10 repetitions and up to three sets per day.
Rehabilitation after Surgery
Know that if your fracture needed surgery that your tissue needs time to heal before beginning exercises, and consult your physician before doing so.
Physical therapy will usually start with range-of-motion and resistive exercises before moving on to aerobic and strength training. A specific exercise plan will be devised based on your injury. The goal is to heal as quickly as possible without causing further injury.
A femoral fracture can take three to six months to heal and will involve extensive physical therapy. You may not be able to return to regular activity or sports for six to eight months after sustaining the injury. The time of recovery can vary by the seriousness of the injury and the individual.