Range of Motion Exercises for Fractured Elbow
Elbow Bend
Hold the arm so that the palm is facing up toward the ceiling. Keep the upper portion of the arm close to the side of the body to help support the arm through the movement. Close the fist and bend the arm at the elbow toward the upper arm. Use your other arm to support the movement and relieve pressure on the elbow. When the elbow will not bend anymore, use the other arm to lightly bring the arm up further. If there is excessive pain ease off. Slowly work your way up to being able to bend the arm up to the shoulder. Repeat this 5 times working your way up to 10 over time.
Side Elbow Bend
Hold you arm in a similar position to the regular elbow bend with the upper arm tightly to the chest. Close the fist and hold the arm bent so that it is at a 90-degree angle, with the fist facing forward. Swing the arm slowly to the side keeping the upper arm tight against the body and pivoting only with the elbow. Swing the arm as far to the side of the body as possible using the other arm to lightly press it further. Do not press hard if there is pain. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds then return the arm to the starting position.
Elbow Straightening
Lie on a table with the injured arm close to the side. Place a rolled up towel under the arm close to the elbow for support. Hold the arm bent towards the chest. Begin to straighten the arm slowly with the fist closed. Relax the muscles in the arm to get the full effect of the stretch and to put the resistance in the elbow. Try to get the arm as straight as possible. If there is discomfort try to extend the arm a little further then return the arm to the starting position.