How to Put on a Sock After an Injury
Purchase a dressing sock aid. These are available at your local drug store or doctor's office. A dressing sock aid has a long handle and an insert to put into your sock.
Insert the sock aid into your sock. Line up the sock as if it is on your foot. Make sure the heel is flush with the back of the sock aid and line up the toe seam to make it straight.
Secure the sock aid using the straps and both of your hands. Position it in front of the leg with the injury. Using the straps, lower the sock aid to the floor directly in front of your foot.
Place your foot gently into the sock aid. Use the straps to pull up the sock and position it comfortably onto your foot. Make any minor adjustments by turning the sock using the straps.
Pull gently to remove the sock aid from the sock. Make sure the sock is comfortable before you remove the sock aid or you will need to start all over again.