How to Bandage Broken Ribs
Tightly bandage the broken ribs with a wide ace bandage. Compressing the broken ribs will help minimize the amount of movement during breathing and coughing, which does help to alleviate pain.
Bandage broken ribs with tape if the patient is in extreme pain or doing some form of physical activity. This will help stabilize the injured area and allow the patient to move more comfortably.
Remove the wrap from the ribs as often as the patient can tolerate it to promote deep breathing. This breathing helps fend off lung infections, such as pneumonia. Fully inflating the lungs on a regular basis is essential for the patient's health.
Purchase a chest compression wrap to wear in place of tape or an ace bandage if this is more comfortable for the patient. These can be found at most medical supply stores.
Seek medical attention for any broken bones to insure that no internal injuries are present and all necessary medical intervention takes place. Assuming broken ribs do not need medical attention can be a costly and painful mistake, particularly if there are underlying injuries.