How to Care for an Arm Cast
When you break your arm, you'll most likely be fitted with a plaster cast. After allowing enough time for the swelling in your arm to go down, your doctor may replace it with a lighter, fiberglass cast. To protect your arm, learn the basics of caring for your arm cast.Instructions
Keep the cast dry. There are some waterproof type arm casts, but most need to be protected from moisture. Use a waterproof shield while bathing and stay out of the pool. If the cast does become wet, dry it immediately.
Allow the cast adequate time to dry. For the first few days after the cast has been set, don't put any weight on the arm cast or rest it on a hard surface. This can damage the cast.
Check the arm cast for dents and cracks. Damage to a cast can cause the arm to heal improperly.
Watch out for dirt getting into the cast; keep the cast clean. If dirt finds its way inside of a cast, it can cause an infection.
Notice any rough edges around the cast. Do not play with or remove these without talking to your doctor first.