How to Set Goals to Recover From Bulimia

In order to beat bulimia, it is important to change behaviors, attitudes and thoughts surrounding food, self-worth, self-image and life in general. To properly recover from bulimia, the person battling this eating disorder needs to set goals and prepare for a process that could take months or years to complete for full recovery. With the help of family, friends, a support group and possibly professional help, a new healthy lifestyle can be developed one day at a time.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen
  • Notebook
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  1. Set Goals to Recover From Bulimia

    • 1

      Start by creating a diary of everything you eat, the feelings you have when you eat each type of food, when and where you eat and how much you eat. You can create a chart in your diary with each day listed and categories for when, where, types of food and feelings to be filled in for the day.

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      Create a place in your diary to write when, where and what you purge along with the feelings you have or situations you experienced to cause you to purge.

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      Keep track of your eating experiences and bulimia in the diary for 1 to 2 weeks. Be sure to write information in the diary directly following a food or purging event.

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      Review the information in the diary after 1 week and write a summary of the week. Write out any common factors you see in the diary regarding foods, feelings, purging and anything else that shows up more than once during the week.

    • 5

      Look through the summary and find one small thing you can change in the next week. By setting small, attainable goals, you can see progress each week as you recover from bulimia. For example, you may choose to eat an apple or orange as a snack instead of a candy bar.

    • 6

      Continue to write everything in the journal at every meal, especially note the times you choose to make the healthy change.

    • 7

      Set small goals each week to make healthier choices.

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