How to Keep a Diary of Eating Behaviors
Things You'll Need
- Notebook
- Pen or pencil
Keep a Diary of Eating Behaviors
Set up the diary to keep track of important factors involved in eating behaviors. Create columns on the page to list the time of day, food and drink taken in, where eating happens, binges, purges or other compensation efforts and thoughts and feelings during meals. Leave space on the page for general thoughts and feelings.
Fill in the columns every time you have a meal. For example, "12:15 p.m., one piece of pepperoni pizza, one glass of Diet Coke, school cafeteria, felt like I added 5 pounds to my body."
Record all bad eating habits such as frequent vomiting, eating sweets often, eating too much at any meal and other eating habits you feel are negative.
Write down overall thoughts and feelings at the end of the day and feel free to express yourself fully in the diary.
Read through the diary on a weekly basis to look for trends in eating, feelings, thoughts, compensation efforts and other aspects of eating behaviors.
Write out the trends you noticed on a page dedicated to a weekly wrap-up of eating events.
Create a goal to achieve in the next week that will show positive improvement in your eating behaviors, thoughts and feelings. Make sure the goal is reachable and is not too difficult.