What Are the Effects of Bulemia While Purging?
Bulimia with purging can harm the teeth, create sores on the gums and other areas in the mouth. The stomach acid causes the teeth enamel to weaken and makes healing of sores difficult.
Self-induced vomiting can cause esophagus problems. Repeat vomiting can lead to tears and ulcers and even cause the esophagus to rupture, which may end up leading to death.
Regular vomiting can result in becoming malnourished. Hair may fall out, nails become brittle and skin will become very dry as symptoms of malnutrition.
People who purge with bulimia may become dehydrated. Electrolytes will be effected, potassium levels may sink, and there may be resulting low blood pressure which can result in having heart abnormalities as well as a heart attack.
People who suffer from bulimia while purging also have an increased risk of stroke, organ failure (especially kidney and liver failure), osteoporosis, diabetes, sleep problems and fertility issues. Death is also a great possibility if the bulimia and purging are not brought under control.
The person suffering from bulimia while purging is under great psychological stress, but what may be overlooked is the psychological effect it may have on the family and friends of the ill person. They may suffer from guilt, shame, and embarrassment, therefore treatment should involve the person suffering from bulimia, as well as their family and other loved ones.