Why Don't Bulimics Lose Weight
What is bulimia?
Bulimia is characterized by the DSM-IV as uncontrollable consumption of food followed by forced vomiting, laxative or diuretic abuse, or extreme exercising. The DSM-IV also requires episodes at least twice a week for a three-month period.
Why binge eat/purge?
Binge eating can be quite pleasurable and be difficult to stop. Purging occurs as a "compensation." Sometimes, abuse victims develop a purge cycle to "get something bad out of them."
The first noticeable effects of Bulimia are fatigue. Eventually the teeth and esophagus begin to deteriorate due to stomach acid. Malnutrition diseases begin to develop, such as hypertension, high blood pressure and coronary diseases, and may result in organ destruction and eventually death.
Signs of bulimia
Symptoms of Bulimia include night raids of refrigerator or cupboards, excessive food intake with no weight gain, binge eating, and regular visits to the bathroom after meals. If you feel you suffer from these symptoms, consult a health care provider.
Myths about bulimia
You are bulimic if you eat a lot and throw up: You are only Bulimic if it becomes a consistent behavior, something repeated over time. Eating "a lot" once and throwing up afterward is not Bulimia
Bulimia is a good way to lose weight: Bulimia is not a good way to lose weight; in fact, many Bulimic individuals gain weight.
Bulimia is not deadly: Bulimia can result in death due to malnutrition and organ damage.