What is Syrup of Ipecac?
Syrup of Ipecac is no longer recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics because the vomiting that it induces does not rid the body of the poisoning.
Syrup of Ipecac is dangerous to use when someone has ingested corrosive chemicals. The Ipecac will cause more burning to the esophagus on the way up.
It is also avoided because if used to expel dangerous medications, amounts can reenter the blood stream as vomiting is induced, causing dangerous levels to circulate throughout the body.
Heart Concerns
Overuse of Syrup of Ipecac can injure the heart. This side effect is seen in people affected by bulimia, from using the Syrup of Ipecac excessively.
Poison Control
It is recommended to call the Poison Control hotline in the case of accidental ingestion. They will guide you through the process of administering first aid to the victim, and whether or not Syrup of Ipecac can be used, before help arrives.