How to Handle Holidays With Bulimia or Binge Eating
Enter into the holiday season by establishing a relapse prevention plan. Begin by sitting with a piece of paper and writing down the top five situations that typically result in binging or purging (such as a particular family member, feeling or food). It is crucial to establish your “triggers” and begin avoiding these factors whenever possible. Try leaving the room, distracting yourself with a healthier habit or writing in a journal instead.
Write down your top five “healing” habits that help ward of negative feelings or unhealthy impulses. Instead of binging late at night because of emotions and stress, try turning to activities like reading, Yoga or a bubble bath. If your impulses seem too strong to fight, try choosing habits that provide an intense emotional release (like running, painting or talking to a therapist).
Choose an eating disorder specialist or close friend to talk to throughout the holidays. If you simply cannot afford outpatient treatment, try enlisting a trustworthy friend or relative who can help you through the difficult season. Speak to them whenever possible instead of giving into negative impulses.
Understand that bulimia and binge eating typically follow patterns (and it’s important to be aware of them). Instead of restricting during the day (and overeating in private), try speaking to a nutritionist and begin eating five to six healthy, well-rounded meals or snacks during the day. If certain foods make you feel “safe” and decrease anxiety, then feel free to enjoy appropriate portions of those foods as meals for the time being.
Be aware of your binge impulse throughout the holiday season. Try to ward off episodes by avoiding times and places where binges usually occur (just as an alcoholic would avoid their favorite bar). For example, if you typically binge in the kitchen after everyone has gone to bed, make sure you are not going to bed hungry (eating appropriately throughout the day), turn in early and distract yourself with a new movie or book instead.