How to Prevent Bulimia Relapse
Learn how to eat properly. If you are not stuffing emotions with food or feeding a hungry heart, then chances are, you are not going to overeat. Overeating is the first step to a bulimic relapse. Those who have recovered from bulimia do best when eating smaller meals rather than filling up. Bulimics do not handle full stomachs well. A full stomach means possible weight gain. To a bulimic weight gain is a serious tragedy. In order to prevent a bulimia relapse, recovered bulimics should never overeat.
A positive self image is a good way to stay bulimia free. Learning to love oneself no matter what, means there is no reason to get rid of extra calories. If you can accept yourself exactly the way you are and accept that others love you too, you can eat the ice cream and leave it down. After awhile you will break the habit of purging, and the need to purge will slowly disappear. Time does heal all wounds and time does help us forget. One of these days with enough time between now and the last purge, throwing up will cease to be an option.
Always remember, food cannot fix anything. Food will not heal your broken heart, food will not pay your bills, and food will not stop your alcoholic loved one from drinking. The only reason you should be eating is to satisfy hunger and nourish your body. Bulimia is a bad habit that must be broken. Once broken you can never force yourself to throw up again. If you eat a tub of ice cream, call someone. Talk to someone before you purge. Chances are you won't purge. If you continue calling out for help every time you get into danger, eventually the danger will stop. Give yourself time, and give yourself credit. Breaking any habit is hard to do.
Join a support group of other bulimics. You can discuss your ups and downs with those who understand what you are going through as well as help others with their struggles.