How to Identify Signs of Bulimia in Teens
Look for changes in the teen’s eating habits. Many teens with bulimia will develop strange eating habits, such as consuming large amounts of fatty, sweet or starchy foods in a short time frame, moving food around on the plate without eating it, shying away from family dinners and hiding food in the bedroom.
Check for physical changes in appearance such as sudden weight loss, dry skin, puffy face, swollen cheecks or glands and fatigue. Constant vomiting causes dehydration and this can make the person weak and frail.
Confirm any unusual bathroom behavior such as spending longer periods of time in the bathroom (especially after eating a meal). Many teens that are suffering from bulimia go directly to the bathroom after eating in order to purge all of the food from their system. You can usually smell the distinct odor of vomit in the bathroom.
Decide if she is doing excessive or unusual exercising. Some bulimic victims drastically increase their exercise routine in which they may exercise for extended periods of time (non-stop).
Verify the condition of his teeth. Bulimia causes severe dental problems such as tooth decay. The teeth become rotten due to the stomach acid they are exposed to from the constant vomiting.
Determine if the teen is displaying any mood changes. Many bulimic victims suffer from mood changes, depression and low self-esteem. They may also withdraw from people and avoid school activities. Be sure to pay close attention to the teen and frequently monitor her behavior.