How to Use Yoga to Help With Bulimia
Things You'll Need
- Yoga class or private instructor
Use yoga to provide a gentle form of exercise, especially if your body is too weak or too exhausted to attempt heavy cardio, such as running or bicycling. Yoga helps develop slim long muscles, which in turn improve the definition of the body and can help somebody who suffers from bulimia to feel better about the way they look.
Practice yoga as a way to relax, deal with anxiety and fight depression. Meditation has been proven a great helper against disorders that have to do with stress or over-anxiety. Bulimia sufferers can learn to relax and accept their bodies, which can lead to better self-esteem.
Use yoga to unblock the first chakra or Muladhara Chakra (Root). The first chakra is commonly associated with the basic survival needs of the body. When abused through bulimia, the first chakra becomes clogged, and sufferers experience feelings of not being grounded. By working certain postures, energy starts to flow again and helps clean the body and the mind.
Look for a yoga trainer who specializes in working with special populations. While a yoga class taken at a local gym will provide a more general approach, an expert yogi probably has knowledge of diseases and can recommend special posses to help you specifically balance out your body and mind.
Start using yoga as early as possible. Research studies have shown that yoga is more effective in treating bulimia when used in the early stages of the disorder, when the victim is still fighting the disease and is not in denial. At this stage, yoga can even stop the process and help the sufferer recover completely, especially if used along with therapy.