Why Do Bunions Occur?
A bunion is an additional growth of bone at the base of the big toe on the outside of the metatarsal joint. This causes the toe to become misaligned and point inward toward the other toes.
Symptoms of a bunion include a large bulge on the outside of the big toe. This may be accompanied by swelling and a fluid-filled sack over the toe, redness or tenderness. This swelling may also lead to decreased mobility of the toe.
Bunions are caused when there is an imbalance of pressure on the bones and joints of the foot. This is often caused by wearing shoes that are too tight and occasionally by birth deformities of the foot.
Bunions typically present no complications. However, very large bunions can make wearing shoes difficult and be extremely painful.
Treating Bunions
Bunions will not go away on their own and require surgical removal. Smaller bunions may not require removal if the problem causing the bunion is addressed to halt its growth.
To prevent bunions, make sure that your shoes are the correct size and allow for plenty of room in the toe. Women should avoid wearing high heels for extended periods, because they can place undue pressure on bones of the large toe.