Temporary Relief for Bunions
Warm Water Soak
Fill a wide pan in your home with warm water. Soak your feet for as long as necessary to feel relief. This is only a temporary solution but can become a daily routine to alleviate bunion pain. Hot water can also be used but most find it uncomfortable to withstand for long periods of time. Follow with ice if your pain persists. Rubbing after soaking will help reduce the chance of swelling.
Wider Shoes
Wider shoes will give the bunion a stretch and will relieve some pressure. Frequently bunion night splints coupled with wider shoes provide great relief from bunion pain. As a rule any activities that are harsh on the feet should be avoided while suffering from bunion pain.
Bunion Shield and Ice
A bunion shield can be placed in your shoes to significantly reduce the pain of a bunion during everyday wear. If your bunion swells with the shield, you should elevate it and place it in ice. The ice will smooth the pain and swelling. It may also be relieving to wear down hard skin over the bunion with a pumice stone every night.