Bunion Pain Relief
Exercise made especially for those with bunions can help to relieve the pain caused by bunions. These also help the toe with flexibility and mobility. One of the exercises that you can do is to grab the big toe and foot and pull on the big toe, holding the pull. Another exercise stretches the big toe by grasping it and stretching the joint in different locations, repeating the stretch several times. The holding and stretching of the toe should be held for about 10-to-15 seconds and repeated several times a day. As with any exercise, consult with your doctor first before attempting to do them, even if the exercises may seem simple.
There are different types of surgical procedures to help relieve the pain caused by bunions, as well as to realign the joint and correct deformity. However, surgery should only be an option if all other procedures to try to relieve the pain have been exhausted. Surgery can be performed by an orthopedic or podiatric surgeon who can shorten long tissues and loosen tight ones to repair the tendons and ligaments around the toe. For patients with severe bunions and arthritis, damaged joint surfaces can be removed and the surface held together with wires, screws and plates. These are just a few of the surgical options available to relieve pain or correct the problem, so consult with your surgeon for the one that is right for you.
Non Surgical Treatments
Non-surgical treatments to relieve the pain caused by bunions include the use of bunion pads and shields, bunion splints and even applying ice to relieve redness and swelling. Bunion gel pads and shields are worn over the foot or applied directly to the bunion and are usually made with gel to protect against abrasion, friction and pressure, especially when wearing shoes. A bunion splint is made to wear either during the day or at night to help align the bunion. It is worn on the foot in order to correct the position and alignment of the toe. The day splint can be worn during the day while wearing shoes, and the night splint can be worn at night while you sleep to help correct the condition. In addition, special shoes are also made to help relieve the pain caused by bunions. Consult your doctor for the right pain reliever for you.