Bunion Relief Home Remedy
Foot bunions are caused when constant pressure from shoes that are too tight forces your big toe into the toe beside it. Eventually, the joint that connects your big toe to the rest of your foot changes position to accommodate this position. A bump--the bunion--develops on the side of your foot, and your big toe points to the smaller one.
Go Shoe Shopping
Buying shoes that fit will make your feet feel better and keep the bunion problem from getting worse. Make sure your shoes are wide enough for your feet. Shop in the afternoon or evening, when your feet are most swollen, and make sure there's room about a thumb's worth of space between your longest toe and the front of the shoe. If your feet are different sizes, buy shoes that fit the larger foot.
Modify Your Shoes
Once you have shoes that fit, customize the inside of your shoes to further decrease your bunion discomfort. Arch supports promote correct walking patterns and ease pain from bunions. Inserts and padding intended to relieve bunion pain also are available over the counter.
Stretch Your Heel
Bunions can be caused by an improper gait as a result of a tight Achilles tendon. To remedy this potential cause, stretch your Achilles tendon several times a day by standing flat on your feet and leaning forward against a wall. Hold the stretch for 5 to 10 seconds, alternating legs, but don't bounce, which could cause more damage.
Take a Painkiller
Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, will quickly help reduce the pain and swelling caused by bunions. Follow package directions and take painkillers in conjunction with other remedies, not as your only solution.