What Does a Bunion Look Like?
Bunions most commonly appear as a large, hard bump at the ball of the foot, beneath the skin. In an X-ray, it's evident that a bunion is actually an enlargement of the bone and tissue of the metatarsophalangeal joint, beneath the big toe. Because of the joint's enlargement, the big toe is pushed away from the ball of the foot toward the second toe, often shifting all of the other toes as well. The large bump at the ball of the foot might become red, irritated, inflamed and painful.
Causes of Bunions
Bunions can be caused by a number of factors. They can be genetically inherited or the product of other foot deformities such as flat feet or irregular bone structure. Bunions can also be caused by ill-fitting footwear. Shoes that are too tight or pinch the toes can actually cause bunions by squeezing the toes and rubbing the ball of the foot.
Nonsurgical Treatment
Bunions grow at different rates, and mild bunions might not require invasive treatment. A simple change of your shoes might inhibit the growth or irritation of a bunion if it isn't progressively debilitating. Orthotics are the most common nonsurgical treatment and can include toe spacers made of gel or foam, bunion cushions or splints. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can help reduce the inflammation of the joint. Corticosteroids can be injected in the bunion to reduce an inflamed bursa, which is a fluid-filled sac that sometimes accompanies a bunion.
Surgical Treatment
If bunions seriously inhibit daily activity or mobility, surgery might be necessary. A surgeon can shave down the bony enlargement at the ball of the foot and reposition the toes by manipulating the bones or ligaments. Bunion surgery is considered a minor outpatient procedure and generally requires only local anesthetic. Recovery from bunion surgery takes six to eight weeks for a healthy individual, during which time you will have to use crutches.
Bunion surgery is generally successful, although some individuals require repeated procedures. Bunions are not a life-threatening condition, although the discomfort associated with extreme bunions should not be discounted. For some, a simple change of shoes and use of orthotics will provide relief, while others need surgery.