How to Get Rid of Bunions
Make an appointment with a doctor to have the foot examined. If the bunion is painful to the point where it interferes with daily activities, the best remedy is to see a doctor. A primary care doctor or a podiatrist (foot doctor) can assess the foot to determine the severity of the bunion. They will do a physical exam and take an X-ray of the foot. If the bunion is severe enough, they make recommend surgery to fix it. Surgery is the only method of completely removing a bunion. If surgery is not recommended, there are other methods for treating the bunion.
Wear comfortable shoes. To relieve pressure on the bunion and prevent it from worsening, switch to shoes that have adequate room and are comfortable for walking and standing. Stay away from high heels or shoes that crowd the toes. Bunion pain can also be relieved by the use of shoe inserts. Over-the-counter shoe inserts may work and if not, a doctor can prescribe special inserts.
Take a pain reliever. Bunions can cause the tissue around the big toe to swell and they can cause general discomfort. Try an anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen to help reduce the pain. In some cases, a doctor may also prescribe cortisone injections.
Try additional home remedies. Bunions can be helped by ice packs, especially after activity. Special pads designed especially for bunions can also be found in drugstores. Taping is another home remedy that can help bunions. Ask a doctor or other medical professional to demonstrate the proper way to tape the foot to help align it into a more normal position.