Bunion Facts
The top of the big toe often moves inwards towards the other toes when a bunion forms, as the bony growth at the bottom of the toe extends outward from the foot. This same condition can also occur on the little toe, forming a bunionette.
Wearing tight shoes is not the only way a bunion can develop. Arthritis, birth defects, foot injuries and engaging in an activity that features constant pressure on the feet, such as dancing, can also bring about bunions.
Bunions cause swelling around the big toe's joint, a thickening of skin at that point, pain that can be constant or intermittent, and loss of mobility in the big toe.
A physician easily diagnoses a bunion by looking at the foot. Treatments include wearing different shoes, wearing shoe inserts and padding, or taping the foot to hold the toes in a better position.
Surgery is an option for severe bunions, with a surgeon sometimes having to realign the toe or even fuse bones to keep it from extending outwards.