What Are the Causes of Tailor's Bunions?
Generally, bunions are located on the inside of the foot. Tailor’s bunions, which are less common, are located at the base of the little toe. They are named for the bumps tailors got on the outside of their feet from sitting cross-legged on the floor, causing their feet to rub against the ground.
The tailor’s bunion can be a bony spur that develops on the side of the foot. More often, however, it is an inherited abnormality in the foot's structure. The framework of the foot changes over time, causing a bony growth to develop.
Tailor’s bunion sufferers experience pain, swelling and redness in the region of the enlargement. Symptoms are exacerbated when shoes rub against the bunion.
Noninvasive Treatment
Options for individuals who prefer to avoid surgery include orthotic devices or modified shoes, which relieve pressure from the area. Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, and ice can also be helpful.
Surgical Treatment
If noninvasive treatments are ineffective, surgery is an option. Considerations prior to surgery include age, general health and severity of the abnormality.