How to Get Rid of Bunions & Hammertoes
Things You'll Need
- Comfortable shoes
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Protective tape
- A marble
Start wearing better shoes. Often, poorly fitting shoes are a major factor in the development of toe and joint irregularities like bunions and hammertoes. Find shoes with open areas around the big toes. Choose shoes that are wide enough to not bend your hammertoe-afflicted toes.
Take anti-inflammatory medications to ease the inflammation and pain. By reducing swelling of the joints and toes, you can maximize the effectiveness of your other treatments. Consult a doctor about an appropriate medication regimen for your needs. Follow your doctor's proscribed plan for dose, specific medications and frequency of dose exactly.
Apply protective tape on the affected foot to help treat bunions. Protective cushions of tape can ease the pressure and irritation on bunions. Use several layers of the tape to apply a cushioning layer over the bunion to make normal movement comfortable. Wrap the foot with tape to help keep the bunion in the position you desire.
Do toe exercises to help stretch and straighten hammertoes. By doing exercises that work on the toe's agility, you can loosen and correct the problem. Place a marble on the floor and attempt to pick it up with your affected toes, grasping and moving the marble. Repeat the exercises frequently throughout the day.
Seek medical advice concerning corrective surgery. Sometimes bunions and hammertoes get so severe that surgical correction is the best option for treatment. Consult your doctor and reach a decision with her as to whether you will require surgery.