Hallux Valgus Syndrome
The most common cause of hallux valgus syndrome is poorly fitting shoes that squish the toes too tightly and force them into unnatural positions. Arthritis and polio also cause the condition.
Symptoms of hallux valgus syndrome include calloused skin along the inside of the big toe with a bony bump, pain in the joint at the big toe, and the big toe turning toward the other toes.
Conditions associated with hallux valgus syndrome include chronic foot pain, deformity, stiff foot and hallux varus, in which surgery overcorrects the deformity and the big toe points away from the other toes.
For bunions that are not painful, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends buying shoes that fit well; using splints to reposition the big toe; wearing orthotics, or shoe inserts that match the shape of the foot; and taking medications for arthritis.
For people with hallux valgus syndrome that is painful and doesn't improve with treatment, surgery is an option. Surgery is used to help with pain, realign the joint and fix any deformities.