How to Stop Bunion Burning Pain

A bunion is a bony growth that forms on the joint of the big toe, causing the big toe to crowd against the other toes and leading to pressure and pain. Fortunately, many conservative treatments can help with the pain, but in some cases surgery may be necessary. Your doctor can help you determine which is the proper course of action for you.


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      Wear wide shoes with plenty of room for your toes. Avoid high heels.

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      Ask your doctor about stretching exercises to relieve the pain and pressure. He can show you how to do the exercises and tell you how often to do them.

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      Using over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, Motrin, Advil and Aleve will help with both the pain and inflammation. Do not exceed recommended dosages. If your pain is severe, talk to your doctor about stronger pain treatments; a corticosteroid injection can provide quick relief but is not viable for frequent or long-term use.

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      Wear bunion pads to protect the bunion from friction and pressure.

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      Use shoe inserts that encourage normal foot positioning. These are available in stores, but you may benefit from getting custom-fitted inserts. Your doctor will have information about custom fitting.

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      Pad and tape your foot into the correct position to relieve pain and pressure.

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      Do your best to stay off your feet when the bunion is really bothering you. Adequately resting the foot can go a long way toward easing pain.

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      Soak your feet in warm water at the end of the day. This can relieve swelling and pain.

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      Talk to your doctor about surgical options if self-care pain-relieving measures are proving insufficient. If you have given conservative treatments adequate time to work, surgical removal may be recommended. The type of procedure will depend on several factors, including the cause of the bunion. Recovery may take several weeks.

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