Coils for Bunion Pain Relief

Bunions, which are protrusions of the big toe joint, are most often a genetic issue. The longtime wearing of shoes that crowd the toes together, like pointy shoes or high heels, can make the bunions hurt more, but it won't actually cause the bunions, according to Only surgery can remove the bunion completely, but treatment is available for lessening the pain and discomfort of bunions. One such treatment is to wear Z-Coil shoes.
  1. Z-Coil Shoes

    • Z-Coil is a company that provides custom shoes for people with foot problems. Coils are attached to the heel of a shoe to provide shock absorption that evenly distributes pressure around the foot, therefore taking the pain off the bunion. Z-Coil shoes also provide space for your toes so that the pain is not triggered by toe cramming. The heel can be adjusted to suit the way you stand and walk, which could relieve pain in the bunion.

    Custom Fitting

    • There are more than 200 stores in the U.S. that sell Z-Coil shoes. A worker there will discuss with you what type of activities you will perform in your shoes and what type of pain you are experiencing. The worker will look at your foot and choose a shoe that is right for you. Then, once sized correctly, the worker will check toe space, arch support, heel fit and shoe width. You will be expected to walk around for a minimum of five minutes to see whether you experience pain anywhere. The shoes can then be readjusted until the pain is gone.

    Other Options

    • If you'd rather wear regular shoes, other options are available. Pads and inserts are available to stick in your shoes where the bunion presses up against the shoe. Ask your orthopedist for suggestions. Otherwise, choose shoes that are loose in the toe area and offer ample support.

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