How to Remove Skin Corns
Things You'll Need
- Pumice Stone
- Over-the-counter corn pad
Stop wearing tight, ill-fitting shoes, particularly high heels that place pressure on the ball and toes of the foot. Make sure that your shoes are not too narrow and provide sufficient support.
While in a warm bath, exfoliate the corn with a pumice stone to remove the thick skin. Do this every two days to increase the dissolution of the corn.
Apply a salicylic acid pad or disc to the corn, such as Dr. Scholl's Corn Pads (see resources). These pads are available over the counter from pharmacies and drug stores, and will relieve the soreness on the corn when standing or walking.
If the corn persists and continues to be painful, see a physician or podiatrist, who may be able to cut out the corn.
To avoid recurring corns, continue to wear shoes that fit properly. Exfoliate with a pumice stone once a week to keep the skin on the foot soft.