Bunion Splint Relief
About Bunions
The symptoms of a bunion are constant pain at the big toe joint, very little movement of the big toe, a bony bump on the outside of the big toe, redness on the protruding bony bump of the big toe joint, a thickening of skin at the base of the big toe joint, and the formation of calluses and corns where the first and second toes overlap.
Bunion Splint
Surgery can correct bunions permanently, but it should be a last resort. Bunion splints are a popular alternative to bunion relief. Bunion splints are devices that are worn at night or around the house. They are worn around the foot and the big toe. Bunion splints help minimize the pain of the bunion by helping correctly align the joints of the foot. By strapping the big toe to a solid piece of material that is strapped to the outside of the big toe joint, you pull the big toe away from the second toe. The bunion splint then keeps the toe in its proper position for the duration of its use. Bunion splints are popular because they are inexpensive, easy to wear and accessible at many stores. Bunion splints work while you sleep to help slow the progression of a painful bunion. They are also convenient to use because they can be washed in a washing machine and can be used again and again. Bunion splints are a great way to assist in relieving the pain that is linked with bunions. They are a good choice for bunion sufferers because they not only help alleviate the pain of a bunion but they can help slow further development of the bunions so that they do not get so bad that surgery is the only resort for pain relief.