How to Treat Third Degree Burns at Home
Things You'll Need
- Towel
- Bandages
Cal 911 as soon as you get a chance or drive the burn victim to the nearest hospital. Third-degree burns are serious and should be treated by professionals.
Look for signs of shock in the burn victim, including a low level of consciousness, nausea, vomiting and shallow breathing. Lay the burn victim on his side to prevent choking.
Leave any clothes that are stuck to the burn victim until help arrives because you don't want to rip off the skin by removing them. Remove tight clothes and any jewelry not near the burn because swelling will most likely set in.
Avoid picking at burn blisters or peeling away burned skin because this can increase the burn victim's risk of infection and result in scarring.
Fill the sink or bath tub with cold water and submerge the burned area into it. Avoid ice cold water because that can bring on shock. Soak some cloths in cold water and place them on the burn if it's more convenient. Pad the area dry with a clean towel. Apply loose bandages to the burned area or cover extensive burns with a clean sheet.
Place a pillow underneath burned hands, legs and feet to elevate them and promote blood circulation. Raise the head and neck slightly if there are burns on them.
Rinse any chemicals off the skin for up to 30 minutes if the burns are caused by liquid chemicals. Brush any dry chemicals off the skin. Cover chemical burns with loose bandages.
Cover electrical burns with loose bandages and have them examined by a health care provider.