How to Soothe a 2nd-Degree Burn

A second-degree burn causes damage to both the epidermis and into the dermis layer of the skin. This degree of burn will not completely destroy the dermis, but it does cause damage to the sweat glands, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, according to Gary Thibodeau's "Structure & Function of the Body." Thibodeau also describes the symptoms of this kind of burn: blisters, severe pain, swelling in the burn area and fluid loss. This type of burn can cause scarring.

Things You'll Need

  • Cold water
  • Clean cloths
  • Ice water
  • Sterile gauze
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    • 1
      Soak in a tub filled with cold water for burns in hard-to-reach areas.

      Submerge the burned area in cold water --- not ice water --- immediately. The simplest way to do this, according to "First Aid-Responding to Emergencies" by the American Red Cross, is to put the burned area directly under tap water.

    • 2
      Ice water takes any added the heat out of a burn.

      Dip clean cloths in ice water, wring them out and place them on the burned spot after running it under the cold water. The Red Cross suggests only doing this step briefly.

    • 3
      Clean gauze can protect a bad burn.

      Blot the burned area dry gently, using another clean cloth and then wrap the area with sterile gauze. Do not pop any of the blisters; this will just lead to infection. Change the gauze daily, or if there is any seepage.

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