| | Conditions Treatments | Burns
How to Treat Minor Chemical Burns
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Cool compresses
- Sterile, dry dressing.
Remove the Chemical
Get rid of the chemical. Be careful none of it gets on the person's skin or on yours. Remove any clothing or jewelry that has come in contact with the chemical.
Run cool water over the affected area for at least fifteen minutes. If the chemical is in the person's eyes, flush them with water for at least 15 minutes. Have the person close his eyelids, then cover them with loose, damp dressings. Get medical help right away.
Keep the person warm if she is showing signs of shock. Elevate her feet and legs and loosen restrictive clothing. Use cool wet compresses to alleviate pain.
Cover the burn with a dry, sterile gauze dressing. Avoid irritation or pressure to the affected area.