| | Conditions Treatments | Burns
How to Treat a Wax Burn
Things You'll Need
- Cool water
- Aspirin
- Aloe vera gel
- Ice
- Cotton wash cloth
- Oil based ointment
- allergy medicated cream
Pour cool water over the burn immediately. This will soothe the pain.
Take aspirin as soon as possible. Take aspirin. This help reduce the pain and swelling.
Aloe gel is very good to have on hand for burns. Apply aloe vera to the burn. Gel is better than most creams because creams often have added ingredients that could irritate the burn.
Ice can relieve the wax burn pain. Wrap some ice in a wash cloth and hold it to the burn. This will hold down excessive swelling and redness.
A medicated ointment will help the burn to heal. Apply an oil-based ointment. The oil will soothe the burn and keep it moist.
Apply an allergy medicated cream as the burn starts to heal to keep the burned area from itching.