How to Treat Muffler Burns
Things You'll Need
- Cool water
- Compress material
- Aloe gel, antibiotic ointment or moisturizer
- Adhesive sterile bandage
- Non-sticking sterile gauze pad
- Medical tape
- Aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen or other over-the-counter pain reliever
Look at the burned area to determine the severity. Redness, mild swelling and pain are signs of a first-degree burn. A second-degree burn has more swelling and pain along with blisters.
Measure the area of the burn. A minor burn is less than 3 inches in diameter and does not go deeper than the first layers of skin. If the muffler burn is more severe than this, do not treat it yourself but seek medical attention. Burns on the face, hands, groin, buttocks or feet also require medical care, as do burns on the elbows or knees, according to Case Western Reserve University.
Hold the burned area under cold running water, or immerse it in cold water to cool down the skin. Applying wet compresses of clean, soft material is another way to cool the burned area. Cool for approximately 15 minutes.
Apply aloe gel or lotion, an antibiotic ointment or a gentle moisturizer to the burned area, being careful not to disturb the skin. This will soothe the skin and prevent it from drying out.
Use sterile gauze or a bandage to protect the burn. Cover the burn with a sterile adhesive bandage or gauze pad. Apply medical tape to secure the gauze. The dressing will protect the area from further damage or infection.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to reduce the pain and swelling. Read the instructions carefully for dosage information.
Change the gauze or bandage regularly to check for infection. Signs of infection include increased pain or swelling, fever, ongoing drainage, swollen lymph nodes or an area that does not heal. If you see these symptoms, seek medical help.