| | Conditions Treatments | Burns
Directions for Treating Burns With Biafine
Things You'll Need
- Clean water or saline
- Biafine cream
- Moist bandage (optional)
Make an appointment with your doctor. She will prescribe Biafine for you if she thinks you need it.
Peel your clothing from the wound site. Wash the burn with clean water or saline. This will decrease the amount of dirt or particles embedded in the burn. Wash your hands at this time as well.
Slather a 1/4- to 1/2-inch layer of Biafine on and around the burn. You then can either wrap it in a slightly moist bandage or leave it in open air. Biafine may leave a waxy, white residue as it soaks into your skin.
Reapply the cream every 24 to 48 hours. Each time you reapply, wash the burn and use a new bandage wrap. Keep applying the cream until the burn is completely healed.