What should you do if your clothes catch on fire?
1. Stop, Drop, and Roll:
Immediately stop what you're doing and drop to the ground. Cover your face with your hands to protect it from the flames and heat. Then, roll over and over until the flames are extinguished. This smothers the fire and helps put it out.
2. Don't Run:
Running will fan the flames and make the fire spread faster. Instead, stay on the ground and roll to extinguish the fire.
3. Remove Burning Clothing:
If possible, try to remove any burning pieces of clothing. Be careful not to touch the burned area with your bare hands. Use a blanket, towel, or other item to help remove the clothing.
4. Call for Help:
Once the fire is out, call for emergency help immediately. Dial 911 or the local emergency number.
5. Cool the Burn:
While waiting for help to arrive, try to cool the burned area with cool water. This will help reduce pain and prevent further damage to the skin.
6. Cover the Burn:
Cover the burned area with a clean, dry cloth or bandage. This will help protect it from infection and further damage.
7. Don't Apply Ice or Butter:
Avoid applying ice or butter to the burned area. Ice can cause further tissue damage, and butter can trap heat and worsen the burn.
8. Seek Medical Attention:
Regardless of the severity of the burn, always seek medical attention as soon as possible. A healthcare professional can assess the extent of the burn and provide appropriate treatment.
Remember, acting quickly and following these steps can significantly reduce the severity of burns and improve your chances of recovery.