Why do people use rubbing alcohol to break a fever?
Rubbing alcohol should never be used to treat a fever. Using rubbing alcohol to break a fever can be extremely harmful and result in toxic symptoms such as headache, nausea, confusion, and even death.
It is a myth that rubbing alcohol effectively reduces body temperature. While it may feel cooling when applied to the skin, its impact on core body temperature is minimal. Furthermore, rubbing alcohol is absorbed into the skin, posing various health risks, particularly when used on children.
If someone has a fever, safer methods to reduce it include:
- Consult with a healthcare provider for proper medical advice and treatment.
- Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen (for adults and children over 6 months old) as directed by a doctor.
- Keep the person hydrated with plenty of fluids.
- Use a cool-water sponge bath or apply a cool, wet cloth to their forehead.
- Provide rest and encourage light clothing to aid in heat loss.
Again, it is crucial never to use rubbing alcohol to reduce a fever.