Home Cures for Sun Burn
Cool Shower
Take a cool shower to eliminate the heat from the sunburned skin. Immediately take a cool shower or bath after staying out in the sun too long. Even though you are out of the sun, the skin continues to burn from the heat in your body. Just as you run a burnt hand under running water, so should you with a sunburn. The water also helps hydrate the skin. If you take a bath, put one to two cups dry oatmeal or baking soda in the water. They help your skin retain moisture. Do not dry yourself roughly with a towel; air dry or use gentle pressure.
Aloe Vera
Apply aloe vera gel directly from a cut in the plant. After your shower, apply aloe vera to your burn. Use juice straight from the cut end of a plant, or buy aloe lotion or cream. Get a remedy with as much natural aloe as possible. Aloe vera is an excellent way to get some relief for your sunburn because the ingredients, glycoproteins and polysaccharides, reduce the inflammation, help with the pain and stimulate new growth for faster healing. Apply liberally and often.
Topical Treatments
Tea bags help relieve the burn. Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water. Sponge it on the sunburned skin or apply with a cotton ball. For larger areas, make a compress with the vinegar and cover the skin. Keep the skin moist as long as you can. The vinegar restores the acid in the skin, which protects it from bacteria and contamination. Dab steeped chamomile or mint tea bags on the skin, or bathe the skin with cool tea. The tannins in the tea help heal the burn.
Aspirin or acetaminophen helps reduce inflammation. Sunburn causes inflammation of the skin. Aspirin or acetaminophen lessens the inflammation and regulates the temperature of the skin. It will also decreases the pain and tenderness of the burn. Take the painkiller as soon as you can after you burn. Take another dose in four hours, or as directed on the bottle.