Aloe Vera Gel Facts
Aloe vera gel can be extracted directly from the pulp of the large leaves of the aloe vera plant but this particular aloe vera gel contains a lot of the plants natural sap and is less effective, compared to the aloe gel that is commonly used in treatments. The aloe vera gel that is used for natural treatment is found deep within the meat of the aloe vera plant's leaves and is transparent in color, sticky in texture and has a sour taste.
Aloe Vera Moisturizing Lotion Aloe vera gel can be found as an active ingredient in hundreds of skin products such as moisturizing lotions and sunblock. It is also generally used as a healing aid for minor wounds, infections and to treat burns, insect bites and skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, minor burns, eczema, herpes, psoriasis and rashes.
Expert Insight
Natural Aloe Vera Scientific research at the Biochemical Research Laboratory, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd, Kanagawa, Japan, has shown that 5 phytosterols found in aloe vera gel, known as as lophenol, 24-methyl-lophenol, 24-ethyl-lophenol, cycloartanol, and 24-methylene-cycloartanol all have properties that produce an anti-hyperglycemic effect with diabetes type 2. This means that these phytosterols can reduce glucose (HbA1c) levels and can be effective in the long-term control and treatment of diabetes 2.
Outer Aloe Vera Leaf The extraction of natural aloe vera gel can be done easily in the home. The extract can be refrigerated for up to a year. First, cut a large leaf at an angle, from the outer base of an aloe vera plant. Place the aloe leaf in a bowl, allowing the sap to drain from the leaf. Using a sharp knife, cut away the spikey edges from the sides and remove the skin. Peal back the rind and using a spoon, scoop out the aloe gel. Place the gel in a jar, tightly sealed, and refrigerate.
Side Effects & Warnings
Individuals who are allergic to garlic, onions and tulips are likely to be allergic to aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel cannot be used for burn prevention in radiation therapy, and using aloe vera gel on surgical wounds can slow the healing process.
Some synonyms for the Aloe Vera plant which aloe vera gel is extracted from are Aloe arborescens Miller, Aloe ferox, aloe latex, Aloe vulgari, bitter aloe, burn plant, elephant's gall, first-aid plant, jelly leek, lily of the desert, Lu-Hui, medicine plant, miracle plant, plant of immortality, plant of life, socotrine aloe and true aloe.