Zinc Cream for Burns
Zinc oxide is a mineral that is used to treat minor burns, diaper rash and skin irritations. Zinc oxide also comes in a rectal suppository that helps to treat painful bowel movement and hemorrhoids.
When applying zinc oxide, follow the instructions on the label. Apply enough zinc to cover the area. The zinc will leave a small residue on top of the burn. When treating these burns, use this medication as often as possible. For diaper rash, the medication can be used every time there's a diaper change.
Zinc cream is used to assist in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is a protein that the body develops to help heal the skin. Zinc is also present in the body to assist enzymes to work in their repair of wounds.
Before using zinc cream, inform your doctor of allergies, skin infections or if you're nursing a newborn. Zinc may create additional irritation for those allergic to it. If nursing and provide your child with too much zinc, it may cause diarrhea and nausea.
When applying zinc cream avoid getting it in the mouth, eyes or nose. If this happens, the affected area should be rinsed with cool tap water. After seven days, if the problem persists, a doctor visit is necessary. Side effects include allergic reactions, swelling of the mouth and tongue and itching. the cream should be kept at room temperature, between 68 and 77 degrees.