Tanning Bed Burn Treatment
Hydration and Moisture
Apply aloe vera gel, gentle moisturizing lotions or hydrocortisone cream to sunburn skin several times each day to keep skin hydrated. This will help skin heal more quickly and alleviate some of the pain and itching. Avoid products with artificial colors and scents. Drinking plenty of water each day will also keep your skin hydrated and help your body speed the healing process.
Do not pick, scratch or remove peeling skin. Peeling skin and the new skin forming in its place are delicate and susceptible to infection. Removing skin can also cause scarring and additional pain and itching. Keeping your skin hydrated can help to alleviate some of the itching and discomfort from peeling skin.
Do not pop or otherwise disturb blisters, which could cause infection and scarring. If blisters rub against shoes or clothing, or split and begin to ooze fluid, gently cover them with soft gauze bandages.
Apply cold compresses, ice wrapped in a bag or cloth, or cold, damp towels to sunburned skin, or take cool baths to alleviate pain and irritation.
Pain Relief
Take anti-inflammatory pain relievers, such ibuprofen or aspirin to reduce irritation and alleviate pain. Follow manufacturer's instructions on dosage and frequency of use. Consult a physician before taking pain relievers if you have drug allergies or have experienced adverse reactions.
Medical Treatment
Seek medical treatment if the burns cover large portions of the body, are accompanied by multiple or large blisters, cause fever, or do not begin to approve in three to four days.