Skin Irritation From Bromine
Bromine usually appears as a brownish-red liquid and has an odor similar to bleach. It's used in agriculture, fire retardants and as an alternative to chlorine in swimming pools.
Both liquid and gaseous bromine irritates the skin and tissues. Skin that comes in contact with bromine will first feel cool, followed by a burning sensation.
Heavy exposure to bromine causes problems more serious than skin irritation. Prolonged exposure can burn the skin, and the chemical can be fatal if ingested or inhaled.
Immediately wash skin coming in contact with bromine with heavy amounts of soap and water, and remove any clothing with bromine on it. Seek medical attention if the skin irritation is severe.
Bromine used in pools often is blamed for skin irritation following swimming, but an International Journal of Environmental Health Research study showed the chemical poses no more risk for skin irritation than other treatment methods. Bromine and chlorine are quite similar, chemically.