How to Treat Radiation Burn Infections

Radiation burns are distinguished by the rate of the burn. A first degree burn is normally superficial, burning the outside layer of skin only. A second degree burn is more serious, burning the first and second layer of skin. The third degree burn is the most severe and involves the burning of all layers of skin resulting in permanent tissue damage. All three types of radiation burns are prone to infection because the wound provides an ideal growth environment for bacteria.

Things You'll Need

  • Antibiotics
  • Over the counter pain relievers
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      See your doctor or go to your local ER if you suspect your radiation burn is infected. Your doctor inspects your burn and determines if an infection exists.

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      Allow your doctor to take tissue samples from the burn wound. Your doctor sends the tissue sample to the lab to be cultured to determine the exact bacteria causing the infection.

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      Take antibiotics your doctor prescribes. Antibiotics fight infection and all pills must be taken to ensure the infection is destroyed.

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      Take over the counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen to alleviate pain from the radiation burn infection.

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