How to Heal Sun Poisoning on Your Lips
Things You'll Need
- Antibiotic ointment
- Aloe vera gel
- Milk
- Cotton balls
- Clarified butter
- Turmeric powder
See a doctor if your sun-poisoned lips have large blisters that are pus-filled or watery. The blisters can range in size, depending on how serious your sun poisoning is. Severe sun poisoning of the lips requires immediate medical care to prevent infection.
Clean your sun-poisoned lips frequently, and apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment to promote healing and lessen the chances of infection. Avoid wearing lipstick or lip balms that contain potentially irritating chemicals and perfumes until your lips have fully healed.
Apply topical creams and gels that are soothing for sun poisoned lips, and assist in healing the damaged skin. Look for lotions that contain the burn-relieving ingredient, aloe vera, which will help eliminate the sting that comes with sun poisoning. Over-the-counter cortisone creams are also effective in reducing inflammation, swelling and relieving pain.
Use milk to lessen the discomfort of sun-poisoned lips. Dip a cotton ball or gauze in a bowl of milk and press it against your sun poisoned lip for a few minutes to ease discomfort.
Make a healing salve for your sun poisoned lips by mixing clarified butter and turmeric powder. Both have potent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. To increase the concoction's healing power, add neem leaves to a blender until they become a smooth paste, and add them to the mixture. Neem leaves are a natural disinfectant.