Silvadene Instructions
About Silvadene
Silvadene is the brand name of silver sulfadiazine, an antibacterial cream used most commonly to treat infection in second- and third-degree burns. It is applied topically to prevent infection caused by bacteria or fungus.
Using Silvadene
Silvadene should be applied only to clean areas. Cleanse area using a gentle cleanser and remove any debris or dead skin. Use a gloved hand or sterile tongue depressor to apply about 1/16 of an inch of the cream to the affected area. The area can then be bandaged, or left uncovered as directed by your doctor or determined by your comfort level. Apply once or twice daily. If the cream rubs off or is washed off--the cream is water soluble--it should be reapplied immediately. Continue use until the wound is healed or until directed otherwise by your doctor.
Side Effects & Precautions
If at any time you notice the wound getting worse--increasing redness, rash or any other unusual symptoms--contact your health care provider at once. Silvadene can cause some rare and seemingly unrelated side effects, so be aware of anything out of the ordinary health-wise. Silvadene should not be used on infants less than two months of age, or without a prescription.