What Are the Treatments for Jalapeno Pepper Burns on Skin?
Cold Dairy Products
Soak the affected area in cold sour cream, milk or yogurt to soothe the burn. Admittedly, the dairy technique doesn't permanently eliminate the burning, but rather offers immediate relief. Soaking in cold dairy product will bring immediate relief as long as the affected area remains submerged.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can help reduce the pain of the burn and disinfect and blistering that may have occurred. The antibiotic and antiseptic properties of apple cider vinegar make it as useful for keeping burning areas clean in addition to keeping them cool. As with dairy, chilled apple cider vinegar helps with discomfort just that extra little bit.
Common Products Used For Different Purposes
If cold dairy products or apple cider vinegar don't do the trick, hemorrhoid cream makes an excellent anti-inflammatory. Additionally, any ointment containing aloe vera or hydro cortisone is effective, particularly ointments which contain little to oil (the burning effect of capsicum oil can be made worse by the interaction of other oils). Baby shampoo can also be used to alleviate much of the burning and inflammation associated with capsicum oil.
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