How to Help Skin Regenerate From Burns
Things You'll Need
- Cool water
- Mild cleanser (Cetaphil is a good choice)
- An antibacterial ointment (such as Neosporin)
- Bandages
- Aloe vera gel
- Silicone sheets
Skin Regeneration After a Burn
Gently soak and clean the burn area. Soak the burn in cool water for 5 to 10 minutes. Clean the area gently (do not scrub) with an extremely mild cleanser, such as Cetaphil, using your fingertips or a soft washcloth. Gently pat the area dry.
Apply an antibiotic ointment, since antibiotic ointments prevent infections, and ones like Neosporin moisturiz and prevent scars. Burned cells are weak and damaged, making them significantly susceptible to infection, which will affect the healing process. Cover with a new clean bandage or dry gauze. Apply the ointment and change the bandage two or three times during the day.
Before bedtime, clean the area again (according to step 1), and generously apply aloe vera gel to the wound and its surrounding tissue. Aloe vera gel has amazing wound-healing properties. Not only does it prevent infection, but it contains a slew of vitamins and nutrients that promote proper skin cell functioning in healthy skin, such as amino acids, essential proteins, and vitamins A, E, and C. Leave the wound either uncovered or lightly covered with a bandage, so that the aloe gel can penetrate the skin, and the air can help stimulate the healing process of the skin cells.
Apply silicone sheets to the affected area. Silicone sheets were once only available by prescription, but can now be purchased over-the-counter. Applying pressure to the silicone sheet over the burn promotes rapid healing, new cell generation, and collagen stimulation (the essential fibrous protein responsible for the skin's health and appearance).
Avoid sun exposure. Sun exposure causes either hyperpigmentation (dark spots) or hypopigmentation (light or white spots) of unhealthy cells and wound areas, which can last longer and appear more vividly than a burn scar. Cover the treatment area while in the sun for at least a few weeks after the initial occurrence. Apply a high strength sunscreen (SPF 45 or higher) thereafter before stepping outside.