How to Treat Lawn Chemical Burns on the Skin
Run the affected area under cool, running water for about 20 minutes; this will remove the offending chemical. If the substance is in powder form, remove it from the skin before rinsing. Take off any clothing or jewelry that came into contact with the chemical.
Ease pain by applying a cool, wet cloth or towel.
Wrap the affected area loosely with clean dressing or a clean piece of cloth. Apply a topical antibiotic like Neosporin to protect the burn from infection.
Seek immediate medical care if you suffer shock in the form of fainting, paleness or shallow breathing, the chemical burn went through the first layer of skin and is more than three inches in diameter, the burn is on the eyes, hands, feet, face, groin, buttocks or over a joint, or if you notice over-the-counter medications are not easing pain. Bring the container or a description of the chemical.
Medical professionals will administer appropriate treatments and give you instructions on how to care for the burn at home, such as how and when to apply any medications, how and when to change the dressing and any other necessary information. Follow all instructions to optimize recovery and prevent infection.
Consider using natural supplements that encourage tissue healing. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests the following supplements might be helpful. Vitamin C (1,000 mg two to six times daily), vitamin E (400 to 800 IU daily). Talk to your doctor before supplementing.
See your doctor if you notice any signs of infection such as pus or other discharge, change in skin color, fever or swelling.