How to Treat a Burn on the Fingers
Things You'll Need
- Cool water
- Bowl
- Burn ointment
- Bandages
- Pain reliever
- Drinking water
Immediately run your burned finger(s) under cool (not cold) water. This will stop the actual burning sensation and will soothe the affected area. Fill a bowl with cool water and rest your hand in it for ongoing relief.
Look for any skin damage. A mild burn is characterized by red skin and sometimes small blisters. You can treat a mild burn at home. However, if you have a severe burn (large blistering, charred skin, peeling skin), seek medical attention immediately.
Apply an over-the-counter, topical burn ointment to your burn. Cover your hands/fingers with a non-sticky bandage. This will minimize the chance for infection. Change your bandages at least once a day.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to reduce discomfort.
Drink plenty of water. One of the side effects of burns is dehydration, so make sure to keep yourself hydrated.