How to Treat Burn Victims
Things You'll Need
- First Aid kit (including)
- Sterile first aid pads
- Clean towels
- Cool water
- Over the counter pain medication
- Gauze
Make sure that the victim has a pulse and is breathing. If needed, perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) to regain the pulse and breathing.
Assess the burn. Burns are classified in degrees and each degree requires a different treatment. See the Tips section of this article for a full description of each type of burn
Treat the third degree burns first as these are the most serious. Leave the clothing on the burn. Tearing it off may disturb the fragile tissue underneath. If a limb is burned, elevate it above the heart to slow blood flow. Cover the burn with a clean sterile pad moistened with cool water. If a sterile pad isn't available use a clean cloth or towel. Wait for help.
Look at the second degree burns next. Run cool water over the area steadily for five minutes. Do not ice it. Cover it with gauze wrapped loosely. Take an over the counter pain killer like ibuprofen for inflammation and pain. Unless this burn covers a large area of skin, more than three inches, medical attention probably isn't required.
Next, pay attention to the first degree or minor burns. Treat these same as the second degree burns. However, the gauze wrap and pain medication may not be necessary. First degree burns are often soothed after running them under the cool water.