Skin Rash Caused by Sunburn
A sunburn occurs when the skin absorbs more of the UV rays than its pigment can filter out. Skin may be red, painful, blistered and swollen. Severe sunburn may cause fever, chills and shock.
Photosensitivity is a condition in which someone has an extreme reaction to sunlight. This is also commonly referred to as a "sun allergy." When exposed to sunlight, people with photosensitivity break out in a rash that may be raised spots, scaly patches or blisters. This rash often lasts for several days and may be accompanied by itching and burning.
Polymorphus Light Eruption
Polymorphic Light Eruption or PMLE is a skin condition that causes rashes after very limited exposure to sunlight. This condition affects women more often than men, usually between the ages of 20-40. PMLE often presents itself as raised red spots on the arms, or the legs and chest. This rash may have blisters or red, dry patches, and is accompanied by burning and itching for several days.
It is important to protect your skin from the sun, in order to avoid sunburn or skin rashes. Using sunscreen daily, avoiding peak sun hours (10 am to 4 pm), and wearing protective clothing will all help lessen the chance of skin damage from the sun.
If you experience a severe sunburn or skin rash, it is important to seek the medical advice from a doctor. This may help to avoid negative side effects caused by the sun.